Sunday 26 January 2014


Being off my bike this weekend, and working, has made me think about the limits to bicycling. While being in the elements can be unpleasant, there are tasks where a bicycle seems more than just an inconvenient solution, but an impossible one. The more I thought about this, however, the more I wonder how many of these issues can be overcome?

The common concern I have with bicycling, especially in the summer, is heating up and sweating, and then smelling like body odour when I get to my destination. When I was commuting last year, I was commuting to work at The Beer Store. This wasn't too bad as I would usually work up a sweat at work anyway, and worked in a cold environment, preventing the smell from building up on top of it. Currently I am commuting to the Armouries some nights, which is convenient because I have an office to change in or showers if I need them. School and other events come up as an issue, though, because I don't want to wear the clothes I cycle in to class, nor do I want to wear a suit on a bike (or roll it up into a ball in my bag). The school problem has been overcome, as I have a locker now and can store most of my stuff. Any common solution to wearing fancy clothes other than finding a washroom and pulling a Superman?

The other issue for bicycling I foresee is bulk; I am still stubborn in my belief that I can replace a car with a bike in an urban environment for essentially all situations, but bulk has me worried. For starters, as a Military Reservist, there are times when I have to carry a lot of my personal equipment (jackets, boots, shirts, my helmet and other equipment) from home to work. My basic uniform barely fits in my bag (which is why I just leave it at work in a locker), and the rest is hopeless. I'm sure that if I put in the effort, this summer I can construct a trailer (or just shell out the cash to buy one) and that will solve that issue. My most imaginative problem so far has been a kayak; I would love to bicycle down to Cootes' Paradise with a kayak and just enjoy a day on the water... but on a bike? If I can, this summer I would like to build some sort of kayak-trailer. A minimal harness with wheels and a manner to attach it to the back of my bike. Turning radius will be difficult, but maybe I can engineer my way out of that.

My stubbornness holds it's ground; I'm still pretty sure I can over come (nearly) every obstacle to cycling in an urban environment. I would love to hear some other solutions or problems, or even funny stories (like showing up to a business meeting in a suit with chain grease on your hands? That would suck!). Let me know or leave some comments!

Keep it crafty,

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