Monday 20 January 2014

Joining the Blogosphere

Just like writing an essay, I have no idea where or how to start here so... that will have to do. I'm starting a blog for several reasons, and I suppose I may as well list some. 

The actual impetus would be my Sustainability course here at Mac. Part of the course is making a lifestyle change, and then discussing and sharing your experiences with that change. I have chosen to begin cycling to school and work for my commute. I chose this partially because I had been meaning to get back into cycling and furthering my ability, but also because it is something that I am confident I can fit into my schedule for most of my commuting, and something I can start to scale up fairly quickly. My commute is 10k each way to Mac, which is about 30min of riding. It's not bad, and I have a locker here for my bulky clothing and whatnot, so that's pretty doable.

Another reason to blog is, well, to keep a journal. I've tried several times to keep a personal journal throughout my life, and while some have been successful in that I've finished through an entire book, several are a few entries and then forgotten about. I am hoping making this public-ish will make me feel a stronger sense of accountability to it. Keeping a journal I feel will help me keep my writing skills at a higher standard, and also to force me to articulate some thoughts and as such give them the mindspace they deserve.

Lastly, I feel strongly that commuting via bicycle is an important aspect of urban transportation, and that every little bit of support it gets will help it take an even stronger stance in our city. I love Hamilton, but at times it frustrates me, and one thing that often frustrates me is the haphazard support for cycling. Groups like YesWeCannon and others are really pushing for good changes, and if this somehow gets them some more support, or other groups, then that's a bonus that I can feel good about.

Well that's going to be it for my intro; later today or tomorrow I will likely post about my first rides I took last week and maybe some pics of my beast of burden that must carry me 20+km/day once I get into a better routine.

Also, as a disclaimer, if things seem awkwardly formatted for the first few posts... well they probaby will be. I'm just learning how to do stuff, so this post will show me what things actually look like at the front end. Hopefully by week's end I will have a better idea of how to make this all nice and sleek and whatnot.

Thanks for reading,

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